As the UK looks at delaying the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, Prof. Aoife McLysaght will discuss this with Dr. Gabriel Scally this Wednesday, along with the best way for Ireland to save this outdoor summer, we have just begun to enjoy.
ISAG public meeting and press conference – 12pm, Wednesday 16 June 2021
*Update* Link to video from meeting:
PDF of release: Link

Watching countries ahead of us in their vaccine roll-out achieve days where new case numbers don’t rise above 10, it is important to know that they are using a Vaccines+ strategy. This means high levels of population vaccination plus travel restrictions, indoor mask wearing and other measures, in particular those right now aimed at preventing re-seeding by variants of concern like Delta.
Join ISAG team members this Wednesday, when we will answer any questions about the science, where we are now in the pandemic.
To attend, listen and ask questions, click here to register:
This will primarily be a Questions and Answers session. We welcome advance questions from members of the press, politicians, special interest groups and the public sent to: isagcovid at, or ask them live.
ISAG (Independent Scientific Advocacy Group) is offering the group’s expertise and experience to work together with Governments and the people to aim for Zero Covid, meaning zero mystery cases in our shared islands. Founded by Anthony Staines, Gerry Killeen, and Tomás Ryan in June 2020, I.S.A.G. is independent of the government. All of our members are volunteers and they freely commit their time every week to discuss the COVID-19 science that underpins our governments’ response strategies. ISAG is a multidisciplinary group of scientists, academics, and researchers who have come together to advocate for a SARS-CoV-2 elimination strategy. I.S.A.G. has published several papers outlining its strategy and recommendations, and you can find them at
Image credit: "covid-19" by Prachatai is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0